Celebrity in China
寫書不容易,出版一本書更是要花費許多心力。讓我們一起向這些偉大的作者、譯者與編輯,致上最高的敬意。 一本好書,不僅內容豐富精彩,文筆生動流暢、深入淺出地具有高可讀性,在讀過後還有一種「讚嘆」的感覺,讓你對世界的認識又提升了一層。 整理了幾本書值得你一看
Celebrity is a pervasive aspect of everyday life and a growing field of academic inquiry. While there is now a substantial body of literature on celebrity culture in Australia, Europe and the Americas, this is the first book-length exploration of celebrity in China. It examines how international norms of celebrity production interact with those operating in China. The book comprises case studies from popular culture (film, music, dance, literature, internet), official culture (military, political, and moral exemplars) and business celebrities. This breadth provides readers with insights into the ways capitalism and communism converge in the elevation of particular individuals to fame in contemporary China. The book also points to areas where Chinese conceptions of fame and celebrity are unique.
Celebrity in China will be of use to scholars and students in the field of media, popular culture and China studies. Journalists may find this book useful for their analysis of famous figures in China and people working in the creative industries area may also appreciate an insight into ‘image management’ in China.
Louise Edwards
Louise Edwards is a professor of modern China studies at the University of Hong Kong. Her most recent book is Gender, Politics and Democracy: Women’s Suffrage in China (2008) and an edited volume with Mina Roces, The Politics of Dress in Asia and the Americas (2007).
Elaine Jeffreys
Elaine Jeffreys is an associate professor in China studies at the University of Technology, Sydney, and a member of the UTS China Research Centre. She is the author of China, Sex and Prostitution (2004), and editor of China’s Governmentalities: Governing Change, Changing Government (2009) and Sex and Sexuality in China (2006).
書 名: Ubike臺北輕旅行:30條無碳私遊路線
品味巷弄裡的城市溫度。 走進大稻埕踩踏百年風華; 悠遊淡水日落古往今來; 遇見關渡自然生活風情。 茶花走踏大臺北街衢巷弄, 規劃出30條風格迥異的無碳輕旅行。 可散步徐行或Ubike迎風慢騎, 探索雙北豐富歲月的深度之旅。 ※大臺北30條無碳私遊路線 規劃30條深入大臺北城各街弄的私遊路線。品嚐士林知名的夜市小吃,再拜訪錢穆故居,認識學術文化歷史;敦化南北路森呼吸,穿越城市中心綠帶,仰望高聳入天的樟樹林,拾起秋天浪漫的欒樹小黃花;深坑老街賞遊古建築,尋找比當地臭豆腐還久遠的臺灣街道發展故事,還有我們不曾閱讀的臺北精彩書頁。 ※六大篇章,遍遊大臺北城 本書依地理位置區分為六大篇章,分別為城北篇:尋找自然生活風;城中篇:悠遊城市百年風華;西南篇:走進臺北古往今來;東南篇:享受時尚季節變換;新北篇:小遠行輕運動;特別篇:串連美好小旅行。帶領讀者走遍大臺北各個角落,尋找最有故事的臺北城。 ※旅行地圖、路程時間、GPS座標,讓您深度祕遊,不迷路 全書收錄最詳盡完整的旅行地圖、GPS座標、路程時間、推薦美食等內容,資訊最齊備且值得珍藏的大臺北深度旅行地圖。 本書特色 結合最便利的Ubike,以無碳環保的方式,深度旅遊大臺北。 |
書 名: 新竹縣市自遊達人 新竹縣市全境最新、最熱門及最經典的旅遊區域,精心規劃的達人級旅遊導覽書。全書將新竹地區的325處人氣景點、必遊去處,及260家人氣美食、特色伴手及風情旅宿等一網打盡。再依其旅遊區域特性與流暢的交通動線,劃分出11條超完美旅遊線。加上本書超詳細的交通轉乘資訊、遊程提案,以及52幅實地踏查、繪製周詳的旅遊交通地圖,讓您一書在手,就有如在地達人自遊暢行! |
書 名: 桃園市自遊達人 桃園全境最新、最熱門及最經典的旅遊區域,精心規劃的達人級旅遊導覽書。全書將桃園地區的250處人氣景點、必遊去處,及310家人氣美食、特色伴手及風情旅宿等一網打盡。再依其旅遊區域特性與流暢的交通動線,劃分出10條超完美旅遊線。加上本書超詳細的交通轉乘資訊、遊程提案,以及52幅實地踏查、繪製周詳的旅遊交通地圖,讓您一書在手,就有如在地達人自遊暢行! |